Time is NOT an Ally

Learning more and more about Unreal has been a challenge that I have unfortunately faltered in one key way. A concept that should have stayed in my head from day one: bite the bullet and move on.

Asset gathering took an extraordinary amount of time and then when trying to catch up  with the rest of the show, I was behind. I did my best trying to piece together what I had but it was already nearing the deadline. This is the major fault I've always had with my projects, yet due to the group startup nature it is hard to gather assets beforehand (especially those that aren't paid for or have ridiculously convoluted EULAs). As for the audio manager, I managed to do that on a shorter notice but again with the lack of music it was hard to properly test anything.

This has truly been an experience that I had wish went better, but not everything has a silver lining.

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