The Journey for Assets

My main task this week that turned out to be more of a challenge was finding assets. The lengthen search followed by finding out that some of the assets were made for Unity and not Unreal led me back to scrapping asset packs and trying again. Luckily, Thomas bought an animation asset pack, but my lack of funds left me rather limited.

One of the assets we used was a recently free-to-use asset from the game Paragon. This warrior had some issues, mainly pertaining to his weapon being something we weren't going to include just yet. This issue really tested my knowledge of skeletal meshes but I was able to figure it out after some digging around. The funnier bug was when we were trying to use our assets on that model (which has its own skeletal mesh and animation pack) that gave some hilarious results. The pictures above show this bug due to the skeletal meshes being poised differently, which Thomas helped to solve. Gave the whole team a well needed laugh to lighten the stress of deadlines.

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