The Stutter Bug

I have been dealing with the stuttering of movement with the AI for a week now. I wanted to make the enemy run to the player, but at a certain distance, start walking when approaching the attack range of the player. With this in mind, I wanted to have the enemies feel more life-like instead of having them run up to attack with no discern or regards for themselves. After that was implemented, the stutter bug started to appear.

I solved the bug that caused the enemy to stutter in movement when the player circle-strafed the enemy, but that caused another bug to make the enemy stutter when going towards the player in a straight line. I had set up this basic "lerp" code within the AI Controller's Tick function to go off when a flag would turn on/off and if the enemy's max walking speed was not at a certain value. Looking back, I may have set the Acceleration value too high (the rate at which the speed increases/decreases). I should also look into the movement component class files to see if changing the max walking speed affects it in anyway.

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